Friday, December 31, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Fourteen- Someone who deserves a big "Fuck you!"

Today's real topic "someone you drifted away from" seemed a little...boring.I knew exactly who I'd write it to, but it would mainly say "I shouldn't bitch at you since I've been putting in no effort either, but we should hang out sometime" which seems boring and lame. Soooo I decided to post a letter to someone who I kinda wanna kick in the balls :)

Dear El,
        I find myself wondering, have you always been this person? Was there a sudden shift in your personality or have you always been so messed up? Did I somehow manage to not notice what an enormous douche you are? I’ve known you my entire life, how did I miss it?
        I never noticed how as soon as you got a girlfriend you would all but disappear. I never noticed that after these “serious relationships” with girls you’d refer to as “the wife” ended you didn’t even seem a little sad. And since I never really knew your girlfriends well I always believed you when you’d go on and on about what psychos they were.
        I believed you when you said the reason you went *poof* during your relationship with M was because she was so clingy. I believed you when you told me that after the breakup she psycho stalked you. Then she started dating J and I had to actually get to know her and hang out with her. I realized that although she is pretty clingy, she’s not nearly as psychotic as you made her out to be. After talking to her about you I realized she didn’t “stalk” you, she was just a typical teenage girl who got dumped by her first boyfriend and wanted to know why.
        And I probably should have noticed that the only time you decided to be a big part of my life happened to always be when my life was a mess and I could honestly be considered a train wreck. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be there for a friend when they’re in need, but that was the ONLY time you were ever there for me. There are two kinds of friends in the world: the ones who are always there when things go wrong, and the ones that are always there.
        I realized recently after pondering that you enjoy the drama. You choose overly dramatic friends, or friends that hate each other, or friends that have a lot of drama going on because you love it. I’ll admit you don’t start drama, but you sure as shit add fuel to the fire and keep it damn close.
        I’m not even going to get into the whole L thing, other than to say that you are fucking scum and I’m glad she’s done with you. I barely talked to one of my best friends for like 6 months because of your hyperpossessive ass.
So yeah, FUCK YOU.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Thirteen- Someone I wish I could forgive

            Forgiveness sounds so simple. Unfortunately in reality it isn’t.  I wish I could just say I forgive you, and we could go back to being best friends. But in order for me to forgive you, you’d need to say you’re sorry, and in order for that to happen you’d have to realize I was right.
            I was right not to support you being engaged to a girl who lies to you, cheats on you, and treats you like shit (that is the trifecta after all.)I was right to tell you I wouldn’t be present at a wedding to a girl who doesn’t even admit that the two of you are in a relationship. I was right to inform you that getting engaged to a girl who is only 16 or 17 years old is STUPID. I was right to hate the girl who caused you to call me crying for the first time ever. You were with Nay for like two years, she treated you horribly and cheated on you and you never cried over her to me.
            We went through so much together. So much hard stuff that no one else knows the details of. You kept me alive at a time when I would rather die. You were everything to me. We promised time and again to never let anyone come between us. You always said you couldn’t marry a girl I didn’t like, and I told you every guy in my future would need your approval. It was you and me against the world.
            Suddenly we were against each other. You decided to freaking ruin your life over a girl you had told me multiple times you were only with for sexual purposes until someone worthwhile came along, if she was a halfway decent human being I would have yelled at you for that. I decided to be honest with you, like I always had been. I told you how I felt and suddenly instead of it being us against the world, we were against each other.
            Sometimes I wonder if I could go back to that night would I change anything. If I had kept my mouth shut we might still be best friends, probably not because her constant cheating always made her suspect you were doing the same, and she wouldn’t have liked us being friends. So maybe it was worth it, in all likelihood if I had lied and pretended to be happy she would have torn us apart and at least this way I got to be honest.
            I didn’t force you to make a choice though, I told you my opinion. You were the one who decided that if I couldn’t be nice to her we couldn’t be friends. You ended our friendship over a girl. Something you had always sworn you would never do.
            I want to forgive you. But I can’t do that until you apologize. And that won’t happen until you realize I was right all along.
Miss you,

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twelve- Person I hate the most

Dear L,
            I don’t even know what to say to you in this. You are easily the most selfish, inconsiderate, hypocritical, judgmental, cruel, dishonest, disloyal person I have ever met.
            You flipped out on me calling me a shitty friend because I had to cancel plans with you to work, even though I had already told you how important it was for me to make money that summer so I could get my own car, and even though our “plans” consisted of me going to your house so we could sit around in your room all night. Then you flipped out on me AGAIN for missing your pet rat (who you had only had for a few months, whose cage you rarely if ever cleaned, who you only fed when you happened to remember or be reminded) because I had to spend time with my family and go to my cousin’s dance recital, even though I told you there was no way I could miss it since I am the only one of her cousins who has gone to every single dance recital she has ever had.
            The last time you flipped out on me, the night I FINALLY decided to sever all ties with you, it was because I “wasn’t being supportive enough” about the latest breakup in your on again/off again relationship that had brought nothing but drama into my life. What you failed to realize was that I was trying to give you advice, lessons I had learned the hard way from a relationship that lasted nearly four times as long as yours had and was had some major similarities to yours. Also, you failed to remember what everyone else had remembered: the day I “wasn’t being supportive enough” would have been my Poppa’s 78th birthday.
            And then when I apologized and said that I was under a lot of stress and had a lot on my mind, you acted as if that was impossible. After less than a year of knowing me you felt you had the right to tell me how easy my life had been. You actually used the words “out of anyone I know you've had the easiest life” as if you knew anything about me!  You failed to see that I was drowning in debt, barely able to keep up with my classes, overwhelmed by the drama you brought into my life. You live under the false assumption that everyone broadcasts their problems like you do. You don’t understand that some people don’t talk about the hardships they’ve gone through because they’ve accepted what happened to them and they realize that bitching about it isn’t going to change anything.  You can’t let go of the past and that’s why you think your life is so horrible.
            To top it all off, you said one of those things that are forbidden in girl world. No matter how big of a fight you’re having with your friend, you never, never, never say “honestly, what guy would want you?” And update L: if you’re going to say that, don’t say it to someone who is with a great guy who treats her like a princess while you’re with some loser druggie who lies to and cheats on you, and can’t treat you right for more than 20 minutes at a time. Because saying that just made you look like a god damn fool, obviously I know a bit more about what guys want than you do.
            And then, after I finally cut you off (even resorted to blocking you from aim and facebook when you wouldn’t leave me alone) you made a huge bitch move. After going on and on about what a bitch K was for dating John right after we broke up, and saying it didn’t matter that me and K had been growing apart, telling me how against Girl Code that was, you did the same damn thing. Doug and I were on a break, and he was on the rebound and looking to hurt me, and you gave him that. You dated him after going on and on about what a C-faced bitch K was. Hypocrite much? You did the exact same thing she did.
            You know it’s funny that all the things you said you hated about me make up your exact personality. Everyone is a little selfish. Everyone is a little bratty and whiney when they’re in the right mood to be. Everyone goes back on their word now and then. But you do all these things like it’s your job. Just remember L, karma’s only a bitch if you are. And trust me; she’s got some crazy shit in store for you.
Can’t wait to watch you burn,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Eleven- A deceased person I wish I could talk to.

Notice: The following letter is written to a former classmate that committed suicide. If suicide is a sensitive topic for you I suggest thinking about that before you read today’s blog, or having someone who is close to you read it first and tell you if they whether or not they think it’s a good idea for you to read this. I mean no offense to anyone, least of all Colby and/or his family. I also apologize to those who are offended by cussing, I warn you now that I used the F bomb 3 times.

Dear Colby,
            I would like to start this letter by saying I wish I had known you better. I wish we had been friends instead of just two kids who had a few friends in common and liked to joke around together in class.  I feel like I knew you well enough to say you were an amazing guy, and the world is a better place for having had you, even if it was just for eighteen years. You were incredibly funny, and had the best facial expressions ever. I will never forget the day when Melinda said the simple sentence “but I look gooooooood” and your face said exactly what you thought about that. I remember your infectious laugh, the way you respected women (except for Ms Barry and Melinda of course.)
            The next thing I have to say is what the fuck is wrong with you. Or, technically, what the fuck was wrong with you? Committing suicide while your parents were away celebrating their anniversary? When you knew your grandfather would be checking in on you? When your best friends and their parents are on your local rescue squad? That was like a giant “fuck you” to everyone who cared about you.  Your poor mother, who somehow maintained her composure throughout your wake and funeral.  Your sisters, who more or less worshiped the ground you walked on. Your two best friends since kindergarten. Their mother, who was the first on the scene. Your grandfather, who held your hand, even though you were gone, until your mother got home. These people loved you, apparently more than you ever imagined.
            My nine year old cousin, Gabe, who is in school with one of your sisters, asked me a question that has haunted me ever since; “how could Colby do that to his sisters?” I hope you heard Christina that day, when she got her first deer on youth weekend. Everyone says the first words out of her mouth once she shot it were “thank you Colby.” She believed you brought that deer to her, and I believe as well. I’m sure it pained her to not have you there in that moment to celebrate. I’m sure it hurt you as well and that you were there with her, filled with pride.
            I hope that there was a reason for what you did, although I don’t believe that there is anything that truly justifies suicide. I hope that what the priest said at your funeral was true; when he talked about how as children we play to the point of exhaustion, and then our fathers pick us up, and carry us home, and how he said that you were at the point of exhaustion, so your Heavenly Father picked you up and carried you home. I hope that whatever weight had been on your shoulders was lifted. I hope you found the peace you were unable to find here on earth.
            I am not a religious person, but I do believe that there is some kind of existence after death. I know that wherever that existence is, you are watching over your sisters, friends, and family. I know you were watching that day as Jessie and I hid a comb and some chapstick in the bouquet of roses we brought to your burial, after discussing with your cousin how they should have combed the hat line out of your hair, and put chapstick on your lips that even in death looked painfully dry. I hoped you laughed when Autumn put the flowers on your casket, and we talked about how that way you could comb your hair and moisturize your lips.
I hope that someday far in the future, when my life is over we will meet again.  I hope that you will be able to understand how much your death affected me, even though we didn’t know each other very well. I hope you will explain to me why you did what you did, because although it really isn’t any of my business, it’s one of those questions that I know will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Rest in Peace Colby

Note: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
If you are having thoughts about suicide please talk to someone about them, or go to or call 1.800.273.8255, Americas National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.  No matter what you believe, there are people who would be devastated to lose you.
Unfortunately, no one had any idea Colby was suicidal. No one was able to help him. If you think someone you know may be suicidal, tell someone. Even if all you have to go on is your gut instinct. They might be mad at you at the beginning, but eventually they will be thankful you stopped them from making a huge mistake.

Monday, December 27, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Ten- Someone I don't talk to as much as I'd like to.

Dear Sarah,
          I miss how things were before you moved. I miss talking all the time and hanging out every chance we got. I miss how close we used to be. I miss feeling like you wanted to talk to me as much as I want to talk to you. Don’t get me wrong I know you miss me, but it would be nice if you made an effort sometimes. I always have to call/text/facebook first. And that’s not fair. I miss you so much, I know you’re busy, but a “hey how’s it goin’?” text takes about 10 seconds. Just sayin’. Hopefully we’ll get to talk more soon. It was so nice talking to you last week. I love you Shrek.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Nine - Someone I Wish to Meet

Dear JK Rowling,
          First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for every amazing thing you have done in the past, are doing now, and will do in the future.
          You saved literature. I was in a special class for kids who couldn’t read when I was seven. It was humiliating and embarrassing to have to leave the classroom during class to go to another room every day. Everyone knew where I was going. The teacher never said where I was going there, everyone knew.
          Then, my grandmother gave me a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. My life was changed. I devoured the book, as well as the six that followed. I read and reread Quidditch Through the Ages, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and Tales of Beedle the Bard. I became an avid reader of, as well as a bunch of other fansites.
          I love to read because of your books. I read because you lit a fire in me that no amount of reading is ever able to put out. I know how to articulately argue my opinions because of Hermione. I’m able to add a little comic relief to every situation thanks to Ronald. I firmly believe in standing up for what is right, not what is popular, because of Harry. I believe in love overcoming all evil because of of Albus. I believe that hell hath no fury like the mother of the 16 year old girl you just tried to kill because of Molly.
          You have groomed a generation, hell several generations, of open-minded, thoughtful, caring, strong, readers. Librarians everywhere adore you for bringing children back through those doors at a time when videogames and the internet were taking over the world. Mothers adore you for writing a book about morality and equality at a time when their children were being attacked by an oversexed media on a daily basis. I adore you for crossing gender and age lines at a time when I thought me and my 9 year old cousin had nothing in common.
          You introduced me into a world I could escape to at a moment’s notice. By simply opening a book I was able to escape a world of Muggles and immerse myself in magic and friendship. When no one was there for me Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore’s Army, the Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts…they were all there for me. You and Harry got me through some of the hardest times of my life. I will never be able to express what that means to me, what that means to every Harry Potter fan. All I can say is…will you please write more?
-one of many who stuck with Harry until the end

Saturday, December 25, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Eight - Favorite Internet Friend

Dear Sonya,
            First off, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
            According to our facebook friendship page, we have been facebooking since at least your birthday in 2009…although I wish facebook would tell us how long we’ve actually been fbook friends, because that’d be super helpful. Anywho, we’ve been talking for a while. And I’m fairly sure you’re not a serial rapist, which is nice. And I promise you, I am not a gangbanger. Also, I promise not to rape/kill/kidnap/harm you in any way.
            I have enjoyed our nerding out about Harry Potter…I hope that if either of us ever has the pleasure of meeting JKRowling we will remember at least some of the questions we have for her, although I feel that I might be crying too hard to make any sense to her… lol. But I promise to try! I adore the way you get me into things, Doctor Who is amazing, and I love, love, love, love, love, love Skins! You also introduced me to Jezebel, and, two of my favorite internet obsessions. Ohmygod… you’ve chosen all of my favorite things! Lol
            But in all honesty, it is wonderful to have a girl friend who is as annoyed with “average girl” things as I am. It’s also nice to have someone that I can bitch about everyone I know and not have to worry about it getting back to the person I am bitching about. It is also funny that my spell check knows that bitching is a real word… sorry but I figured that’d amuse you. It feels very refreshing to have at least one friend who can be a grown up. A Harry Potter-Doctor Who-Krampus obsessed grown up friend who collects mugs with kitties on them.
            I can’t wait to read some Fishnets & Hip Checks with a British accent!
Keep eating them zombies!

Friday, December 24, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Seven - My Ex

Dear John,
          I wish I could tell you in this letter that I have forgiven you for everything. I wish I was a big enough person to say the words “I forgive you” and mean it. But I can’t, because I haven’t, because what you did to me was the definition of unforgivable. I am not bitter. I am not sad when I look back at our relationship. I am not angry. But I still cannot look back and smile like I can about other past relationships.
          I loved you so much. I did everything for you. For almost two years of my life the one thought that consumed my mind was “what can I do today to make John happy?” I also asked myself how I could make you treat me right like you did in the beginning, how I could make you love me again. But in the end I realized there was nothing I could do. Because there was nothing I had done to deserve what you did to me.
          While I sat there, terrified of college, terrified of going somewhere outside the bubble of our community, so scared of all the things that colleges meant, you cheated on me. With a girl I had known my whole life. And you lied about it. You somehow got all of our friends to lie to me about it too. And when I finally figured it out you convinced me it was a rumor, just another rumor started by people to tear us apart. It made sense, it was nothing we hadn’t dealt with before, and so I believed you. I freaking APOLOGIZED to her for accusing her!
          On top of the cheating and the lying there was the drug use which you also lied about (telling me you’re quitting pills is lying when you leave out the starting coke part) and the plain old treating me like crap. Maybe I could forgive you if you could give me a reason why. I’ve searched up and down looking for something I could have possibly done to deserve what you did to me but I am thoroughly convinced that no human being on this planet deserves what you put me through. I lost everything. I was put on academic probation because I was too caught up in trying to help you quit drugs to study or do my work. I lost the respect of my friends, family, coworkers, and myself. I lost at least a thousand dollars always paying for everything.
          I should hate you for what you did to me, but I don’t. I doubt I’ll ever forgive you for the hell you put me through (seriously, why didn’t you just break up with me?) but I can’t hate you. If it weren’t for you I might not appreciate what an amazing boyfriend I have. I wouldn’t be as close to your mother as I am. I wouldn’t understand why girls stay in emotionally abusive relationships. I do not hate you, I do not forgive you. But I do hope you are happy, at least that’ll mean I got what I wanted for all that time.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Six - A Stranger

Dear Stranger,
          I wonder if you’d look at me twice if we passed each other on the street. Who am I kidding, I live in the woods. We’re much more likely to pass each other while walking through a Wal-Mart. But regardless. I wonder if you’d notice me. I’m not all that impressive. Short skinny white girl in New Hampshire, I’m not exactly a rarity. I wonder what you’d think. I’m not exceptionally pretty (unless you ask my boyfriend, friends and family. But they’re biased anyway.) I’m not some fashionista, I love clothes and shopping, but I’m more of a jeans and a t shirt girl.
          Would you think I was someone you could be friends with? You probably could. Unless you’re a shitty person, and even then I’ve been known to lower my standards.  And by lower, I mean completely disregard in some cases.
          Would the smile on my face make you smile back? Or would it make you assume that my life is perfect, and therefore make you hate me a tiny bit? I hope the former, because my life is anything but perfect. Maybe you’d have the ability to see the pain within. Who knows?
          Stranger, whoever you are, I hope your life is going well. I hope that the worst day of your future be as painless as the best day of your past. I hope whatever you are battling (we’re all fighting some war or another) does not overcome you. I hope that your life exceeds your dreams. I hope you forgive, but never forget. I hope you go out of your way to help someone. I hope you say “thank you” as often as possible, but only say “sorry” if you really mean it. I hope you know what a beautiful person you are, and I hope you know that someone loves you. You might think no one does, but even if they don’t, I do.
-the girl who’d love to meet you

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Five - My Dreams

Dear Dreams,
Thank you for vanishing. That might sound sarcastic, but I’d rather you be gone than have you constantly changing. Well not really gone, but lessened. For years it was “fall in love, get married, have babies, be a teacher.” Then it was “fall in love, get married, have babies, and be an addiction counselor.” Now it’s “stay hopelessly in love, marry the fool, have kids with him, and be happy in whatever I do.” I like the whatever. I like the lack of pressure. Staying in love will be almost comically easy, since even when I tried not to be in love with him I continued to fall further and further into the insanity known as love. Getting married, well we’ve talked about it, we want to do it. All I need is a ring and like $800 for my dream dress (the only thing I really care about as far as things people buy for weddings.) Having kids also seems pretty easy, I mean, half my graduating class has already managed to do so. Be happy in whatever I do. That’s a freeing thing. Not be a  this or be a that. Be happy. I feel like that should be on everyone’s list of dreams/aspirations/goals. I also feel like it’s a LOT harder than it sounds. “Be happy” easy to say, easy to spell, but hard to do. Happiness is all about decisions. You have to decide what you want to do and who you do/don’t want in your life. And that’s only half of it. Then you have to make something happen as a result of making those decisions. It’s easy enough to say “I want this” but you have to go out and get it. Dreams aren’t meant to fall into your lap. If they were, they wouldn’t be dreams, they’d be dogs (sorry if that doesn’t make sense, I was trying to think of what to say, looked up and saw the dog with her face on my mom’s lap lol.) So look out dreams, here I come.

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Four - Sibling

oops! forgot to post last night so today will be a double feature.

Dear Megzee,
          I know we haven’t always gotten along. Nasty words and random objects have been thrown. But through all the anger and tears I have still considered you the most important person in my life. You are the only one I doubt I could live without. I thank god (or whoever) every day that you are my sister. You taught me so much growing up, and I would not be the person I am today if it weren’t for you. The most important thing you ever taught me can be summed up in five simple words: I do what I want. You taught me not to care what other people think about me, to always be myself, and to never let anyone hold me back. I am so thankful that I had such a free spirited sister who could teach me all of that. I’m so thankful to not be one of those girls crying over what someone the barely know thinks about them.
          We had a tough five years thanks to (let’s be honest here) some crappy decision making on your part. But ever since you changed your life I have felt even more blessed, because now in addition to an awesome sister, I have an amazing friend (yes Z I know how mushy this is but oh well!) I am so proud of the life changes you made. I know it wasn’t easy, and it damn near broke my heart to watch you go through it, but I’m so glad you did. So glad to have my sister back.
          You are an incredibly strong woman. You have made it through some hardcore shit and you always come out on top, a little tired but overall a stronger and more resilient person. You are the best sister I could ever ask for, an amazing role model. Your belief in me has always pushed me to do better, try harder, go farther.
          For someone who can’t spell to save their life you are truly a brilliant human being. I can’t imagine my life without you, no matter what I say when we’re fighting. I love you.

Monday, December 20, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Three - Parents

Not going to lie to you guys, I half assed this. Because it didn't seem very fun lol

Dear parental units,
          I’m not sure what to say. We sure have had our ups and downs.  Like that time Mom kicked me when I was down (in a figurative sense) or the time Dad broke my special Harry Potter cereal bowl. Ups include sticking together through the hard times, like when I decided school wasn’t for me and mom told me it was okay; or when I came home crying from Colby’s wake, freaking out because I hadn’t known it was going to be open casket, and he got me through it. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys, but I can tell you what I wouldn’t do: I wouldn’t eat, have heat, a roof over my head, or this loverly laptop I’m typing this on, because you wouldn’t have gotten it for me for graduation/my 18th birthday. I probably wouldn’t have made it through high school let alone my first two and a half years of college. I’m so lucky to have parents who don’t beat me but do feed me. You guys are pretty decent. I might keep you around a while longer. And who knows, maybe I’ll put you up in a nice old folk’s home someday.
-your baby

Sunday, December 19, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Two - "Crush"

The assignment says "crush," so I (obviously) decided to write it to my boyfriend of a year and almost five months, Douglas :)

Dear Douglas.
          What could I possibly say to you that you don’t already know? You know how much I love you, you know that you’re my best friend, and you know that I plan on spending the rest of my life with you. I guess the only thing left to say is “thank you,” two words I don’t think I say to you nearly enough.
Thank you for the hundreds of Snapples, Hawaiian Punches, and various other drinks you’ve bought me in the past year and almost five months. Thank you for the “I love you” texts, the morning phone calls, and all the million ways you spoil me. Thank you for treating me with love, kindness, and respect, which none of my old boyfriends ever managed to do. Thank you for your honesty, integrity, loyalty, and trust. Thank you for your forgiveness and your compassion. Thank you for holding me while I cried. Thank you for watching The Notebook with me, for not teasing me while I reread Harry Potter, and for not making me watch that really gory movie. Thank you for cooking with me and for me. Thank you for always calling me on my shit, for never letting me get away with being a bitch for no reason, and for understanding that sometimes when I’m a bitch there is a reason. Thank you for not always expecting that reason to make sense to you. Thank you for giving us another chance. Thank you for holding my hand in the car. Thank you for helping with my mom’s 50th surprise party, it meant so much to her (and me) that you were there. Thank you for listening when I told you about my dreams, and my nightmares. Thank you for showing me how imperfect you can be, thank you for telling me that you miss me when I’m gone, I know how scared you are of making yourself vulnerable. Thank you for including me in your senior photo shoot. Thank you for making me realize that not all cats are evil and plotting my demise. Thank you for supporting me when I was learning to drive stick, and when I decided not to go back to school. Thank you for letting me go all OCD cleaning your room, and at times your house. Thank you for giving us a second chance, thank you for agreeing to try the long distance thing (haha, I told you it would work out!) Thank you for making the occasional bad choice, saying/doing the wrong thing, and basically showing me that you are, in fact, human. Thank you for smelling so good and holding me so close. Thank you for wrestling me and tickling me. Thank you for kissing me in front of your friends. Thank you for telling me you love me, no matter who’s around. Thank you for being my best friend and so much more. Basically, thank you for being your amazing self. I love you.
-your princess

Saturday, December 18, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day One - Best Friend

Dear Jessie,
          I feel like we’ve been best friends forever, it’s weird to think that this time a year ago we weren’t nearly as close as we are now. We have literally cried on each other’s shoulders. I have driven to get to you late at night. We’ve stayed up all night texting. We’ve had races and photo shoots and Concord checklists. We’ve stuck together through good times and bad. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for being there for me when no one else was willing to be. Late nights when I could only talk about that one thing and you were the only one willing to listen, you supported me through everything. You always believed things would turn out for the best, my eternal optimist, always keeping me thinking positive. You’re my best friend, and I love you so much.


So tonight I'm going to start a little blog series I found on some website or another called 30 Letters in 30 Days....with a slight twist. Some people would get multiple letters if I went along with the original outline, and that's just no fun. So instead, on those days I will either think up my own or I'll pick the first person to pop up in my facebook it'll be interesting (I'll be sure to let you know which are my own made up ones and which are random.) But here's the original list, or at least here's the version I found.

Letter 1: Your best friend.
Letter 2: Your crush.
Letter 3: Your parents.
Letter 4: Your siblings.
Letter 5: Your dreams.
Letter 6: A stranger.
Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/love/crush.
Letter 8: Your favorite Internet friend.
Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad).
Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.
Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror.

So yeah, I'll probably start tonight while I'm babysitting once the kids are asleep. AND I just found a spiffy feature that lets you schedule your posts, so if i end up being away from my computer for a while (aka I go visit the bf in Mass for a few days) the posts will still happen every day. Possibly two posts a day if something pops into my head that I need to share.
For now I must leave though, Christmas shopping with my mom :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

So, Hi :)

Hello blog visitor! I have no idea what to say for my first blog post. I'm mainly doing this post so I can be sure I like the setup I chose. It'd be cool if you followed me... but if you don't wanna I understand. I have a few things in mind for future posts, and I hope you like them! But for now, I'm making sure I like the way it looks :)