Saturday, December 25, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Eight - Favorite Internet Friend

Dear Sonya,
            First off, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
            According to our facebook friendship page, we have been facebooking since at least your birthday in 2009…although I wish facebook would tell us how long we’ve actually been fbook friends, because that’d be super helpful. Anywho, we’ve been talking for a while. And I’m fairly sure you’re not a serial rapist, which is nice. And I promise you, I am not a gangbanger. Also, I promise not to rape/kill/kidnap/harm you in any way.
            I have enjoyed our nerding out about Harry Potter…I hope that if either of us ever has the pleasure of meeting JKRowling we will remember at least some of the questions we have for her, although I feel that I might be crying too hard to make any sense to her… lol. But I promise to try! I adore the way you get me into things, Doctor Who is amazing, and I love, love, love, love, love, love Skins! You also introduced me to Jezebel, and, two of my favorite internet obsessions. Ohmygod… you’ve chosen all of my favorite things! Lol
            But in all honesty, it is wonderful to have a girl friend who is as annoyed with “average girl” things as I am. It’s also nice to have someone that I can bitch about everyone I know and not have to worry about it getting back to the person I am bitching about. It is also funny that my spell check knows that bitching is a real word… sorry but I figured that’d amuse you. It feels very refreshing to have at least one friend who can be a grown up. A Harry Potter-Doctor Who-Krampus obsessed grown up friend who collects mugs with kitties on them.
            I can’t wait to read some Fishnets & Hip Checks with a British accent!
Keep eating them zombies!

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