Monday, January 31, 2011

All the cool kids are Pro-Choice♥

"No woman wants an abortion as she wants an icer cream cone or a Porshe. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off it's own leg." ~Fredrica Mathewes-Green

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I’m taking time off from school and I’m sick of being bitched at for it.

In December I ended my fall semester of my junior year of college. Before the semester was even half over I had decided I wouldn’t go back. This decision didn’t come easily to me. Not going to school is scary.  I’ve been in school since I was in preschool. Quitting something I’ve been doing for around sixteen years is scary for me. Telling my boyfriend was…well let’s just say it was worrisome. Douglas isn’t judgmental at all, nor does he ever try and control me. But he isn’t shy about his opinion, and I was scared about exactly what that opinion might be. Telling my parents, god that was terrifying. But I did that. I did all the scary nerve-wracking stuff I had to do because I knew it was right for me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Brittish Skins > American Skins

So I spent a few days after the “series premier” of the American version of Skins. Sonya decided to (rightfully) nickname this “The Abomination.” I needed a few days to mull things over and get myself to a point where it wouldn’t be all “FUCK YOU MTV I HATE YOU YOU SUCK AT LIFE STOP EXISTINGGGGG!”
So here is a character by character list of basically how/why mtv is ruining my life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day who the heck cares

Ok I think it’s time we all accept that 30 letters in 30 days isn’t working. The prompts bore me so I end up making up my own anyway. Also, I don’t really have time to blog every day. For example, last Thursday my boyfriend’s brother and sister in law came up from Florida, we hadn’t seen them in over a year and a half so we spent Thursday-Sunday with them, meaning no blogging.  This week I’m leaving on Thursday to spend some time down in Mass with the boyfriend and won’t be back until sometime on Tuesday. So from now on I’m just going to blog like a (semi) normal human being if that’s ok with you all :)

Friday, January 14, 2011


Sorry for no blog yesterday. Today won't get a "real" post, and tomorrow probably won't either. Last weekend a former classmate passed away. The boyfriend's brother and sister in law flew up from Florida for the service (tomorrow) and we're trying to spend as much time with them as possible since they haven't been up since September '09 and that was only for a few days to pack after Dan coming home from bootcamp, they've been down south ever since. Sunday will have to be a triple threat lol :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twenty Five- Driving Pet Peeves

Today’s post is supposed to be a letter to someone who is going “through the worst of times” but I couldn’t think of anyone to fit that category. There are plenty of people I don’t know who are going through horrible times, but letters are best when personal. There are quite a few people (including myself) who are mourning the death of my former classmate (RIP Frenchy) but I’d really rather not think about him right now if that’s possible. So tonight’s post is about my Driving Pet Peeves!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twenty Four- Qualities I value in a friend (and a few I don't)

Today’s assignment is to write a letter to the person who gave me my best memories. I decided that’s silly for two reasons, a) I can’t choose a “favorite” memory, and I think anyone who can needs more happiness in their lives and b) people don’t give you memories, you create them together.

So I rummaged through an old notebook I had from my creative writing class, we used to start each period by journaling. We could decide between two prompts supplied to us, or we could just write about what was on our mind that day. I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I wrote about what was on my mind more often than I chose a prompt, ha-ha. Anyways, as I was reading the prompts I realized two things, TBird (nickname my teacher has had for too many years to count) was a freakin’ genius, and that I’m definitely going to use these prompts more often :)

Today’s prompt is from March 17th 2008: Write about the qualities you most value in a friend.

v  Loyalty
I need to know you’re on my side. I’m not saying I do no wrong, I expect you to call me on my shit. But I need you to stick by me anyways.
v  Honesty
I need to know the truth, always. I’m not saying I need to know every little secret. I don’t need your life story. But I need you to not lie to me. I need you to tell the truth, or don’t tell me anything.
v  Trust
If you can’t trust me, I can’t trust you. And why should I? If you’re convinced I’m going to stab you in the back I have to assume that you’re going to try and beat me to it.
v  Space
I need oxygen. I need to it to be ok if we go a few days (or even weeks) without talking. Sometimes you’re going to get on my nerves, and I’m sure I’ll get on yours, and I’m just going to not want to talk for a few days. Or I’m going to be busy. Or just not in a social mood. I need that to be ok. I need you to take a hint when I don’t text back, or when I say I’d rather just stay in for the night.
v  Dependability
I need to know that when I need you, you’re going to be there. I don’t need you in my shadow 24/7, and I don’t need you to text back within 60 seconds every time I text you. But I need to know that when I tell you something bad happened, when I tell you I’m crying/freaking out, you’re going to care.
v  Sense of humor
I need you to be able to make me laugh when things are hard. I need you to be willing to just go with it when I start joking around. I need you to not take me seriously all the time and realize that I’m just kidding. I don’t mean it when I make fun of you. Laugh about it. The only reason I’ll ever laugh at you is because you haven’t started laughing yet.
v  Understanding
I need you to get me. I need you to know that when I text you saying I’m crying or upset that’s your cue to ask me what happened. I need you to be able to tell when I’m angry from when I’m sad. I need you to get why everything on this list is so important to me.
v  Optimism
I need you to tell me everything’s going to be ok, and I need you to believe it. If you believe it, I will too. And when shit hits the fan I need to believe it’ll be ok in the end even if it’s not ok in that moment.

Things I Don’t Need

v  Constant I love you’s
I know you do. Hello, how could you not? I am pretty amazing. Just kidding I’m not that self absorbed, but seriously. We’re best friends we love each other. I don’t need constant reminders. I won’t forget, promise.
v  I miss you’s…pretty much never needed
My best female friend lives in New York, best male friend lives in Florida, and boyfriend in southern Mass. If we see each other more than once a month/live within 150 miles of each other, I don’t miss you. I’m sorry but it’s the truth. And it makes me feel awkward when you say it, because the only options I have are to lie or look like an asshole.
v  Chain texts telling me how much I mean to you
Stop. See “constant I love you’s.” Not to mention I get excited thinking it’s someone actually talking to me and then it turns out to be another “if I don’t get this back I understand…” with some cheesy picture and song.
v  Any texts before 9:30am
If you care about our friendship at all, you won’t do this. If I am up before 9:30 am there are only two possible reasons. Either I’m sick or I have work. Either way I don’t want to talk to you. If I’m not working or sick and it’s 9:30, I’m sleeping. Don’t be a douche and wake me up when it’s light out and I won’t be able to fall back asleep.
v  Baby talk
I have a three year old cousin. If I want to hear someone mispronounce common words I’ll talk to him. It’s cute when he does it because he’s a toddler. If you’re over the age of 6 and don’t have a speech impediment it’s not cute or funny. It’s annoying as hell. And it’s called baby talk for a reason, it isn’t typed out. By the time you’re old enough to type you’re old enough to speak correctly. Stop typing in baby talk. It makes you look like an idiot.
v  A body guard
I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. Don’t you dare fight my battles for me or the next person you fight will be me.
v  Moment to moment updates on the lives of people I hate
Just stop. I’m trying to abstain from thinking or talking about these people because the more I do the more power they have in my life. I don’t care about their lives. Stop talking about it.
v  You to hold grudges for me
If they never did anything to you, chill. I’m not saying I want you to go be best friends with the people I hate, but don’t hate them more than I do. They fucked me over, not you. I should be the one hating more. And don’t obsess about them. See “moment to moment updates on the lives of people I hate.”

I don’t think I’m asking for much. Just common good friendship without annoying the crap out of me all the time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twenty Three - Girl Code

Ok so today’s prompt was a letter to the last person I kissed, but I’ve already written him a letter. So instead, today is about GIRL CODE. Not the “on Wednesdays we wear pink!” type. The REAL Girl Code. Or at least my personal version of it.

Girl Code
Rule #1: If he has a girlfriend, hands off!
          This should go without saying. The fact of the matter is if there was no one to cheat with, guys wouldn’t cheat. Obviously not all guys are honest about their relationship status, but a good chunk are. Just remember, she could be in love with him. He could be pretending to be in love with her. Or he could actually be in love with her, but drunk enough to make a mistake with you. Just remember, if you’re crazy about him, if he’ll cheat with you he could just as easily cheat on you. If you’re not crazy about him, someone is, and you’ll be the one responsible for breaking the poor girl’s heart.

Rule #2: If your best friend picked out baby names with him (excluding names like Quasimodo, Optimus Prime, etc) he is off limits. Not for a few days, or a few weeks, or a few months. FOREVER.
          I am in no way team “you can’t date a friend’s ex.” I went to a school where there were about 150 kids in my graduating class, meaning if I didn’t occasionally date a friend’s ex I wouldn’t have dated in high school. But if it is a serious relationship where they were actually in love and planned a future together that’s just not ok. Not at all. The end.

Rule #3: If he’s related to a friend (especially a best friend) proceed with EXTREME CAUTION.
          Ok story time. A girl I know dated her best friend’s cousin for over two years. She cheated on him, a lot. She cheated when they were in high school together, she cheated while he was in boot camp, and she cheated while he was in Iraq. They broke up for (what I believe to be) obvious reasons. He is now married with a child and stepchild. Every time this girl gets drunk she tells everyone who will listen how badly she wishes she was still with him (this might be the reason she never drinks around her boyfriend of at least 2 and a half years.) This means that her best friend has to hear this and remind herself to not say “well you got what you deserved for slutting around!” (Personally, I’m still amazed that they’re friends) obviously this is a bad situation to be in. Don’t put yourself in this position.
          Obviously that is like, worst case. And obviously her actions brought it all on her. But there are a lot of things that could go wrong if she hadn’t cheated. Being around your family when they’re being a smoochy with their significant other is annoying enough when you don’t know the girl. Hearing about your friend’s sex life is often hilarious…until it’s your family member in the starring role. Be careful. Avoid these relationships as much as you can.

Rule #4: If your friend’s boyfriend is flirting with you, she shouldn’t have to ask you to stop talking to him.
          And if she does, and you stop (which you should) and he asks why you’ve stopped talking to him you should be honest. You should tell him that his flirting with you makes you uncomfortable. Because it should. If it doesn’t you need to stop talking to him because if you value your friendship at all you should not do anything that could jeopardize her happiness.

The code is simple. But a lot of girls don’t follow it.
You should.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twenty Two - Someone I want to give a second chance to

Dear Tard,
            It’s been a long crazy few years. It’s insane to think of all the things we have gone through. Scary to think of all the things we put each other through. I’m glad we’re back on speaking terms, and although I know we will never be best friends again I would love it if we could be friends. As much as I hated you for what you did to me back then, I now thank you. Because of you I was able to completely let go of the things and people who reminded me of J the most. Because of that I was able to get over him faster, and find a way to be happy alone. I was able to let go of him and work on me, so that when Douglas finally made a move I was ready for him and everything our relationship would bring. In a nut shell, you’re the reason I was able to give my heart to him so freely and fully. You’re the reason he and I have such an open and understanding relationship. A relationship I value more than any other in my life. Thank you for that.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twenty One- People who make me *facepalm* and weep in shame for my country

So today’s blog is supposed to be about someone I judged based on a first impression, but as I told Sonya, that just doesn’t sound fun to me. So instead I figured I’d blog about a few topics that have had me FUMING the past few days.

-Facepalm #1-
Long story short, a kid on a middle school basketball team refused to cut his hair to the specifications set by the coach, he was subsequently kicked off of the team for refusing to adhere to the rules. What was his parents’ reaction? To sue the school of course!
It is commonly stated that the goal of school is to prepare future generations for the “real world,” and here in the real world there are guidelines for appearance. The Yankees (ick, this is the only time I will ever use them as a positive example for anything) have rules about hair length, facial hair, and “bling.” It’s a simple thing, be clean cut. Don’t look like a scrub. You wanna be a big basketball player you’ve got to look the part. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for self expression, but this is one of those times where I don’t get it. It’s hair people! It’ll grow back. The rule states that the hair can’t touch the collar, ears, or eyebrows. It’s about having a uniformed look for the team. Simple as that.
Now I’d like to reply to the two main arguments that were left on the yahoo page about this story:
1.    “The school can’t make him cut his hair!” It’s not the school. It’s the athletic department. They’re not going to expel him for not cutting his hair. School is a right. At school you adhere to the school’s rules. Extracurricular activities are a privilege, you choose to participate you choose to abide by their rules.
2.   “They don’t make the girls cut their hair! That makes it discrimination!” No, it does not.  Why? Because the girls are on a different team, most likely coached by a different coach. Coaches have the right to make rules for their teams. Furthermore, is it discrimination to say that at a school with uniforms girls may wear pants or a skirt but boys may only wear pants? No, it’s not. This is the same thing.
I also love how the parent’s lawyer says "What they're trying to do here is teach (their son) a life lesson, which simply is that you fight for what's right.”  While I agree that this is a teachable moment for their son, I totally disagree with the “lesson” that they are choosing. I don’t believe this is a “fight for what’s right” thing. I think that all this will teach him is that the rules don’t apply to him, and if you whine and bitch about it enough you can get your way. What they should be teaching him right now is to respect authority. This is middle school we’re talking about, if he can’t respect authority now how is he ever going to survive in a working environment? What’s he going to do when his future boss tells him that it’s not acceptable for him to wear sweats to work? He’s going to sue them. Because that’s what his parents taught him to do.
In my school everyone knew the rules coaches had set for teams. If you were going to be on the baseball team you knew you had to get your hair buzzed off at the beginning of the season. Lax boys got Mohawks. It’s about uniformity and looking like a team. Yes, these kids are “conforming,” but that’s a team. Teams are about giving up individuality for sake of the group. There is no I in TEAM!
Oh PS: the parents are suing for “unspecified compensatory and punitive damages, along with attorney fees.” Can someone please inform me what they’re being compensated for? And what was damaged? And why the heck should the school pay for the attorney when it’s the parents’ choice to sue the school in the first place? And people complain about schools not having money, this is why!

-Facepalm #2-
          The censoring of Huck Finn. Seriously. Wtf. One of the greatest examples of American literature buy one of the greatest American novelists of all time is being censored. A book that over a hundred years after being published, ten movie adaptations, one musical, two anime series, two plays, three spin off books, two songs, and countless other pop culture references. What. The. Fuck.

Here are some OBVIOUS reasons the N word as well as the word Injun (at the time of the story, slang for Indian)
1.    The language of any book is a reflection of the times. At the time of this book those were commonly accepted terms. This should be a teaching moment, to show kids how far we have come (and discuss how far we have left to go) in the way of race equality.
2.   We cannot sweep racism under the rug. Mark Twain wrote about racism and the use of what are now considered racial slurs to highlight the ignorance and stupidity of racist ideology. This is a teaching moment people!
3.    Three words: freedom of speech.
4.   A word only has as much power as we give it. By removing it from a one of the greatest American novels ever written we are saying it is more important that the messages the book teaches. We are giving the word unlimited power. We are feeding the beast of racism.
5.    One of the earliest arguments to have this book banned was because it was deemed “sympathetic to slavery”
6.    Replacing the “n word” with the word “slave” is incredibly inaccurate. By doing this the publishers are perpetuating the myth that the only slaves that have ever existed were African American, and the only people who have ever owned slaves are Caucasian.
§  The first American slave owner was a black man.
§  3 out of 4 colonial slaves were white.
§  Between the 16th and 18th centuries one to one and a quarter million European Christians were enslaved in North Africa


Friday, January 7, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twenty

So today’s blog is supposed to be a letter to who broke my heart the most…but I’ve already written that person a letter, and I’m kinda bumming tonight, so tonight is going to be a “Kat rambles on because it makes her feel better” night.
I went to my sister’s “adult toy” party, which I should have known was a bad idea. I’m not a particularly kinky person despite what some people who know me might assume. I’m the girl who could never be shocked by the lewd comments made by the guys at school because I had that perverted sense of humor. Most people think that I’m a pervert, but that really only extends to the humor section of my brain. Anywho. The night was, in a word, sucky.
First of all, I hate people who act drunk when they’re not drunk. HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE. There is no freaking reason to do that. All you do is make everyone in the room want to stab you and your fake drunkenness in the face. So stop it. Also, while you’re at it, stop with the semi drunken confessions. Especially telling me how bad you wish you and my cousin were back together. You CHEATED on him. You cheated on your best friend’s cousin. You cheated on your best friend’s cousin while he was at boot camp AND while he was fighting in Iraq. Wtf is wrong with you? He’s married. He has kids. You’re not getting him back. Shut the fuck up. NOW. I’m sick of hearing about it and I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t like it.
Secondly, I get that it’s a sex toy party. I understand that. But, I don’t need to know which dildo is your favorite or what flavor nipple cream your boyfriend prefers. I really don’t need to hear EVERYONE’S favorites. I seriously heard everyone around me (like 15 girls) shouting these things out.
Thirdly, I have known most of the girls at the party for years. Went to school with the vast majority, yet the only people who talk to me all night are my sister and her *drunken* friend. I literally spent the last 45ish minutes of the party sitting on the couch alone texting Sonya (and Douglas until he went to bed.) This pisses me off because if I was at a party and noticed that there was someone who seemed uncomfortable/lonely I would try very hard to include them, because no one wants to be the loner on the couch at the party. So I take that to mean that either a) I’m a lot nicer than I realize or b) the people at the party were all douche bags.
See, I’ve always known I have an issue with new people. I come from a rural area where everyone knows everyone from childhood. We go to school with a bunch of kids from first through fifth grade. In sixth grade the four elementary schools in the district merge into one middle school. About 150-200 kids per class. Small area right? Especially when I tell you that’s out of seven towns. So meeting new people is not something I am used to. I’m the girl who becomes friends with her friends’ friends, and tends to date within her circle of friends. My first year of college I discovered that I have no idea how to make friends with people I don’t know anything about, because where I’m from it doesn’t matter if you’ve met someone or not you know their life story.
I never realized until tonight that I can’t even engage people I’ve known for years. I kept hoping someone would talk to me. I know hoping isn’t doing much, if anything at all. But I didn’t know what to talk to these people about. I know their names and who they’re sleeping with and what town they live in, but they obviously know my sister and her best friends, and they knew I was her little sister because that’s how she introduced me to the, like, two people I didn’t know. So they know about me, or at least my family. That gives them a lot more to start with than “so how’s that guy you’re banging?”
Basically, tonight was a fail of epic proportions. I left feeling alone and rejected and pissed. And wondering what is wrong with me and why I can’t just make friends. When I’m with my friends I’m fearless, outgoing, loud, and a total goofball. I feel like that means that my friends are really my security blanket.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Nineteen- Someone Who Pesters My Mind (Good or Bad)

Dear You,
            The only reason I haven’t deleted you off of facebook (I mean come on, we met once, at a football game, and hardly spoke at all)  is because I got addicted to reading the semi stalkerish statuses about the “twu wuv” you had found with your 16 year old boyfriend after less than 7 months of dating, the obsession was one of those things that are fascinating because of how disturbing they are. Then it turned into a car wreck I couldn’t look away from when your statuses changed to feeling neglected and such, “finally, he’s gotten sick of how clingy and needy she is!” I thought to myself, and I was right. Now I can’t stop reading your passive/aggressive statuses about how much you miss him (even though he has discovered his “twu wuv” with his latest girlfriend of under a month).
            Girls like you are the reason girls like me look sane, because even at 16 I would never get that mushy over a guy on a public forum, nor would I promise him forever after just a few months (you do realize you’re 16 right?) Girls like you are also the reason I weep for today’s educational system. There is no reason in the world that someone in high school should have the spelling skills of a first grader, and I feel unrelenting rage because of it. It’s not all on you though, the school system does deserve a good share of blame, after all, they’re the ones who aren’t holding you back a grade, forcing you into summer school, or flunking you…all of which you would deserve.
            So now I’ll do something that apparently the schools are too busy to do. I will show your misspellings from your facebook and the proper English spelling (there are a lot I didn’t list, but I’ll explain that later):

What you said
What you meant
Why You’re Wrong
Vowels are NOT interchangeable
Vowels are NOT interchangeable
Vowels are NOT interchangeable
Vowels are NOT interchangeable
You were saying “you are” which is “you’re” notice how the apostrophe replaces the missing A and space. “Your” is a possessive.
This is just plain effing laziness
This is just plain effing laziness
Vowels are NOT interchangeable

Errors I excluded from the table because it would have been three times as long:
·         Adding extra letters to the ends of words for emphasis (ex: nooooo, youuu, yeahh, etc)
·         Adding extra letters for no reason at all (ex: lovee, sisterrrrr, okayyy, happppy, todayyy, yyou, etc)
·         Your lack of ever using an apostrophe.  If you’re combining two words you add an apostrophe.
Eamples: You + Are = You’re; They + Are = They’re; It + Is = It’s
·         Additionally: if you are shortening a word by knocking off the G at the end of an ING, you put an apostrophe there to show you took it away. The same rule applies when you take the TH off of Them.
Examples: Tearing – G = Tearin’;  Them – Th = ‘em
·         Ellipsis (the …’s) is a mark or series of marks that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word in the original text. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought, or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence. What does this mean for you? It means that “…!!!” makes you look like a freaking nimrod.

Now I hope you’ve learned something today.

ps: get over him. you're sixteen. you guys barely dated 6 months and he has a new girlfriend who he's in love with. he's not coming back to you. stop going to his house to "hang out with his mom and sister." stop tagging him in your pictures "because his dog is in them." you're turning into psycho stalker ex girlfriend. no one is ever going to want to date you when they see how obsessive you are.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Eighteen - The Person I Want To Be

I don’t know how to write a letter to the person I want to be, because I don’t want to be a different person, I want to be a different me…if that makes any sense at all. So I figured I’d write the qualities of the me I want to be. These aren’t resolutions or anything, just ideas of who I’d like to be eventually.

*   A person who goes to bed at 10 and wakes up at 8:30 or 9 am
*   A person who doesn’t check facebook 10+ times a day
*   A person who knows how to do useful things (fix itunes, set up DVD players etc)
*   A person who finds energy to clean her own house/car, not just her boyfriend’s.
*   A person who wears cute clothes (aka something jeans, t shirt, and hoodie every single day)
*   A person who cares enough to shave her legs regularly (ie: during winter)
*   A person who calls her grandmother in florida at least once a week (even if she is the most critical person to ever walk the earth)
*   Someone who doesn’t have to lie to her doctor when asked “so are you exercising regularly and taking vitamins?”
*   Someone who can get through a breast exam without feeling completely violated
*   Someone who doesn’t facebook stalk people she hates
*   Someone who cares about success enough to become motivated
*   Someone who volunteers for a good cause
*   Someone who doesn’t eat when they’re bored
*   Someone who actually eats (somewhat) healthy
*   Someone who isn’t overly sensitive when she’s tired
*   Someone who hangs out with her little cousins at least once a week
*   Someone who is organized
*   Someone who folds laundry instead of just keeping it in a clean laundry basket for a week
*   Someone who lives within 2 hours of her boyfriend
*   Someone who shifts gears so smoothly that no one even notices they’re in a standard
*   Someone who scrapbooks like a pro and occasionally gets paid to make one for someone else (because apparently that is a legitimate thing…there are professional scrapbookers!!!)
*   Someone who doesn’t procrastinate
*   Someone who spends their nights with people they care about…instead of babysitting >.<
*   Someone who knows how to make friends

Monday, January 3, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Seventeen- Someone from my childhood

          I still can’t believe that you are that geeky girl I met in first grade, with the Sally Jesse glasses that took up about 70% of your face. You were young, innocent, sweet, and just plain good. You were a good person. I will never forget your dad dying when we were only seven years old. He was a great guy and I know how much you loved him. I imagine your childhood would have been a lot better if he had made it, he was always the one to balance out your mom. Maybe we’d still be friends if he had lived. I guess we’ll never know though.
          Despite how close we were when we were kids up through high school, I will never forgive you for what you did to Tyler. You went from being an amazing girl to a female version of John; lying to Tyler and cheating on him and treating him like shit. You treated me like shit too, and I know why. Tyler told me how you were jealous of the way I could calm him down when his anger got the best of him, the way his teachers pulled me out of class to help him, the way they let me walk around outside the school for a full class period because I was the only one who could get him from blank stares, shaking, and about to punch everyone in arms length, back to happy pleasant Tyler. If it was anyone but you and me I’d understand the jealousy, but we’d been friends since we were six! That was over a decade of friendship and you couldn’t trust me with your boyfriend? Me: the girl who had never stolen a guy? Me: the girl who was dating his best friend/cousin? That hurts. I always wanted you guys to get married.
          What you did made him my best friend. By putting him through the same thing John was putting me through at the same time you forged a bond that held strong. By alienating me (I think because you felt guilty about what you were doing, but that’s just a guess) you weakened our friendship to the point of breaking. You can’t blame me for ignoring your random phone calls, sometime months apart. You ruined it. You had been one of my best friends since I was six, at eighteen you started breaking it apart, now, at twenty I can’t remember the last time we spoke. I find that sad, almost as sad as the fact that I don’t care when we talk next.