Wednesday, January 5, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Eighteen - The Person I Want To Be

I don’t know how to write a letter to the person I want to be, because I don’t want to be a different person, I want to be a different me…if that makes any sense at all. So I figured I’d write the qualities of the me I want to be. These aren’t resolutions or anything, just ideas of who I’d like to be eventually.

*   A person who goes to bed at 10 and wakes up at 8:30 or 9 am
*   A person who doesn’t check facebook 10+ times a day
*   A person who knows how to do useful things (fix itunes, set up DVD players etc)
*   A person who finds energy to clean her own house/car, not just her boyfriend’s.
*   A person who wears cute clothes (aka something jeans, t shirt, and hoodie every single day)
*   A person who cares enough to shave her legs regularly (ie: during winter)
*   A person who calls her grandmother in florida at least once a week (even if she is the most critical person to ever walk the earth)
*   Someone who doesn’t have to lie to her doctor when asked “so are you exercising regularly and taking vitamins?”
*   Someone who can get through a breast exam without feeling completely violated
*   Someone who doesn’t facebook stalk people she hates
*   Someone who cares about success enough to become motivated
*   Someone who volunteers for a good cause
*   Someone who doesn’t eat when they’re bored
*   Someone who actually eats (somewhat) healthy
*   Someone who isn’t overly sensitive when she’s tired
*   Someone who hangs out with her little cousins at least once a week
*   Someone who is organized
*   Someone who folds laundry instead of just keeping it in a clean laundry basket for a week
*   Someone who lives within 2 hours of her boyfriend
*   Someone who shifts gears so smoothly that no one even notices they’re in a standard
*   Someone who scrapbooks like a pro and occasionally gets paid to make one for someone else (because apparently that is a legitimate thing…there are professional scrapbookers!!!)
*   Someone who doesn’t procrastinate
*   Someone who spends their nights with people they care about…instead of babysitting >.<
*   Someone who knows how to make friends

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