Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Brittish Skins > American Skins

So I spent a few days after the “series premier” of the American version of Skins. Sonya decided to (rightfully) nickname this “The Abomination.” I needed a few days to mull things over and get myself to a point where it wouldn’t be all “FUCK YOU MTV I HATE YOU YOU SUCK AT LIFE STOP EXISTINGGGGG!”
So here is a character by character list of basically how/why mtv is ruining my life.

UK Tony: Oh Tony, despite your complete disregard for other people’s feelings, I freaking adore you. Why? Because you’re able to be a total douche bag and STILL I find you absolutely irresistible. The UK Tony has the charm that makes it so he can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants (and some shit he does is downright EVIL) but you can’t help but love him. Plus his weird eyebrows and nudey pants bed…just too adorable.

US Tony: Spiders on the bed? Wtf is that shit? And the normal eyebrows and he can’t say fuck and doesn’t say nips right…plus he seems to have some sort of moral compass that he is fighting, I DON’T LIKE MY TONY WITH A MORAL COMPASS.

UK Sid: Adorable little slacker, totes infatuated with Michelle (takes him forever to realize it’s really Cassie who he loves) he’s the one in the Tony/Sid friendship who is allowed to have a moral compass (although he doesn’t always follow it)

US “Stanley”: STANLEY (like fer real, was the name change needed???) is Sid once you ditch the hat and glasses add about 6 inches of hair, and turn him from infatuated with Michelle to infatuated in sticking his dick in anything that moves. Like Tony they have taken all of Sid’s charm away.

UK Jal: Ah Jal, the voice of reason. She’s the good one in the group. I LOVE THIS GIRL.

US “Daisy”:  Daisy? Really? Ok we’re going to ignore the COMPLETELY USELESS NAME CHANGE and go with my major pet peeve: she is not the good one. Wtf.

UK Maxxie: Ohhhhhh Maxxie…such a cutie. Wanna see some sexiness? Google images Maxxie from Skins oh baby oh baby is all I can say! Anywho, I ADORE Maxxie. Although I feel it is rather clear that I basically love the entire original cast….but Maxxie is a gay teenage boy! When do we see that!? He’s so sweet and funny and his and Anwar’s friendship is beautiful to say the least. And, who could forget classic Maxxie quotes like “It's all my fault. I got off with Tony on the Russia trip. I only did it because I fell out with Anwar when he said he hated gays, so I got upset, and Tony said he'd give me head, to cheer me up, you know. And I didn't mean anything, but I lost my head... and then he gave me head. And then we got deported from Russia. And I'm really really sorry for being a slut, okay?”

US Tea: TEA? Again with stupid name changes! First off, what is America’s problem with openly gay teenage boys? Gay boys are icky while Lesbians are HOT. Double standard anyone? And who will Tony be bi curious with? Who will Sketch stalk? It’s going to be hard making US Anwar look like US Tea…just sayin’.

UK Cassie: Cassie! Cassie! Easily my favorite character in all of Skins! She is beautiful, troubled, sad, slightly lost looking, but full of wisdom. She is probably one of the most messed up people on the show, yet eternally childishly optimistic. As Tony said “she’s thin, she’s blonde, and she says *wow* a lot” which brings us to…

US “Cadie”: Who isn’t as thin as the ORIGINAL, RIGHTFUL Cassie. She is also not blonde, and she didn’t say Cassie’s trademark “oh, wow” once! [Side note, if you are wondering yes, Cassie did inspire the name of this blog. One of the many reasons I feel incredibly pissed off about this murder of all the things that make Cassie wonderful. I take the changes made to her character a little more personally than anyone else’s changes, although I know I don’t really have a right to.] The lovable thing about Cassie is she was the spacey out there hilarious random crazy that just makes you want to spend every moment you can with her. The new Cassie is…scary. Like I feel like she’d kick my ass. The REAL Cassie would dance around with me in the rain and make necklaces of flowers.

None of the cast can act. None of them have charm. The script is completely devoid of all the things that made the original script witty and interesting. Basically, MTV has shown us that no matter how low we think their standards have sank, they can always go lower.

Long live the original cast!

1 comment:

  1. Omg I feel you. One thing with Cassie was she had a eating disorder. Cadie is just depressed like we don't see that on TV. Cadie is so dull and boring it's like if it were real life no one would like her. the acting sucks so bad. Maxxie being a chick is like so beyond wrong. I was so looking forward to see the US cast to see how they looked(anything like the real cast) and i expected them to be like the original. But nope. They suck. Sid was my obsession. Granted all the guys were like amazingly hott(unlike the US version) but i liked when he started to stand up for himself. and oh my i got a thing for nerdy slacker guys. Stanley is just a butt ugly dimwit. Non of them seem like they have no personality. It's sad cause the only that has the slightest bit of personality is Chris. But compared to Uk Chris heck no. Noticed you didnt Mention Chris. I think he is the only one they kept the same cept how his and the teachers relationship ended. But Sadly knowing that Chris dies. I don't think i will be so sad for this cast. Plus Jal is supposed to end up with Chris not Anwar. Which you didn't mention him either. They just screwed up the whole story line. Which is why i watch the UK only. The New UK season is kick ass but non will hold that place in my heart like the 1st season.
