Monday, January 10, 2011

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Twenty Three - Girl Code

Ok so today’s prompt was a letter to the last person I kissed, but I’ve already written him a letter. So instead, today is about GIRL CODE. Not the “on Wednesdays we wear pink!” type. The REAL Girl Code. Or at least my personal version of it.

Girl Code
Rule #1: If he has a girlfriend, hands off!
          This should go without saying. The fact of the matter is if there was no one to cheat with, guys wouldn’t cheat. Obviously not all guys are honest about their relationship status, but a good chunk are. Just remember, she could be in love with him. He could be pretending to be in love with her. Or he could actually be in love with her, but drunk enough to make a mistake with you. Just remember, if you’re crazy about him, if he’ll cheat with you he could just as easily cheat on you. If you’re not crazy about him, someone is, and you’ll be the one responsible for breaking the poor girl’s heart.

Rule #2: If your best friend picked out baby names with him (excluding names like Quasimodo, Optimus Prime, etc) he is off limits. Not for a few days, or a few weeks, or a few months. FOREVER.
          I am in no way team “you can’t date a friend’s ex.” I went to a school where there were about 150 kids in my graduating class, meaning if I didn’t occasionally date a friend’s ex I wouldn’t have dated in high school. But if it is a serious relationship where they were actually in love and planned a future together that’s just not ok. Not at all. The end.

Rule #3: If he’s related to a friend (especially a best friend) proceed with EXTREME CAUTION.
          Ok story time. A girl I know dated her best friend’s cousin for over two years. She cheated on him, a lot. She cheated when they were in high school together, she cheated while he was in boot camp, and she cheated while he was in Iraq. They broke up for (what I believe to be) obvious reasons. He is now married with a child and stepchild. Every time this girl gets drunk she tells everyone who will listen how badly she wishes she was still with him (this might be the reason she never drinks around her boyfriend of at least 2 and a half years.) This means that her best friend has to hear this and remind herself to not say “well you got what you deserved for slutting around!” (Personally, I’m still amazed that they’re friends) obviously this is a bad situation to be in. Don’t put yourself in this position.
          Obviously that is like, worst case. And obviously her actions brought it all on her. But there are a lot of things that could go wrong if she hadn’t cheated. Being around your family when they’re being a smoochy with their significant other is annoying enough when you don’t know the girl. Hearing about your friend’s sex life is often hilarious…until it’s your family member in the starring role. Be careful. Avoid these relationships as much as you can.

Rule #4: If your friend’s boyfriend is flirting with you, she shouldn’t have to ask you to stop talking to him.
          And if she does, and you stop (which you should) and he asks why you’ve stopped talking to him you should be honest. You should tell him that his flirting with you makes you uncomfortable. Because it should. If it doesn’t you need to stop talking to him because if you value your friendship at all you should not do anything that could jeopardize her happiness.

The code is simple. But a lot of girls don’t follow it.
You should.

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