Friday, December 31, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day Fourteen- Someone who deserves a big "Fuck you!"

Today's real topic "someone you drifted away from" seemed a little...boring.I knew exactly who I'd write it to, but it would mainly say "I shouldn't bitch at you since I've been putting in no effort either, but we should hang out sometime" which seems boring and lame. Soooo I decided to post a letter to someone who I kinda wanna kick in the balls :)

Dear El,
        I find myself wondering, have you always been this person? Was there a sudden shift in your personality or have you always been so messed up? Did I somehow manage to not notice what an enormous douche you are? I’ve known you my entire life, how did I miss it?
        I never noticed how as soon as you got a girlfriend you would all but disappear. I never noticed that after these “serious relationships” with girls you’d refer to as “the wife” ended you didn’t even seem a little sad. And since I never really knew your girlfriends well I always believed you when you’d go on and on about what psychos they were.
        I believed you when you said the reason you went *poof* during your relationship with M was because she was so clingy. I believed you when you told me that after the breakup she psycho stalked you. Then she started dating J and I had to actually get to know her and hang out with her. I realized that although she is pretty clingy, she’s not nearly as psychotic as you made her out to be. After talking to her about you I realized she didn’t “stalk” you, she was just a typical teenage girl who got dumped by her first boyfriend and wanted to know why.
        And I probably should have noticed that the only time you decided to be a big part of my life happened to always be when my life was a mess and I could honestly be considered a train wreck. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be there for a friend when they’re in need, but that was the ONLY time you were ever there for me. There are two kinds of friends in the world: the ones who are always there when things go wrong, and the ones that are always there.
        I realized recently after pondering that you enjoy the drama. You choose overly dramatic friends, or friends that hate each other, or friends that have a lot of drama going on because you love it. I’ll admit you don’t start drama, but you sure as shit add fuel to the fire and keep it damn close.
        I’m not even going to get into the whole L thing, other than to say that you are fucking scum and I’m glad she’s done with you. I barely talked to one of my best friends for like 6 months because of your hyperpossessive ass.
So yeah, FUCK YOU.

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